Dr. Harsh Vardhan Elected As Chair of Executive Board of WHO For 2020-21

The Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare Dr. Harsh Vardhan has been elected as Chair of the Executive Board of World Health Organization for the year 2020-21 during today’s 147th session of the Executive Board virtual meeting and replacing Dr Hiroki Nakatani of Japan.
The Executive Board of WHO is composed of 34 technically qualified members elected for three-year term. The main functions of the Board are to implement the decisions and policies of the Health Assembly, give suggestions and facilitate its work.
Accepting the Chair of the Executive Board, Dr Harsh Vardhan paid tribute to the lakhs of people who have lost their lives due to the global COVID19 pandemic. He requested all dignitaries present on the ocassion to give a standing ovation to dignity, determination and dedication of all the frontline health workers and other COVID Warriors.
“I feel deeply honored to have the trust and faith of all of you. India, and all my countrymen, too, feel privileged that this honor has been bestowed upon us”, Dr. Vardhan said.
Read also: Dr. Harsh Vardhan Launches “Hospital Ranking Dashboard” For AB-PMJAY Empanelled Hospitals
Regional Director for WHO South-East Asia Dr Poonam Khetrapal Singh said, “Dr Harsh Vardhan has assumed this post at a very challenging time. I wish him all the best in steering the Executive Board as it addresses this defining pandemic and other public health issues.”
Acknowledging that this is agreat human tragedy and the next two decades may see many such challenges, he stated, “All these challenges demand a shared response, because these are shared threats requiring a shared responsibility to act.”
Dr Vardhan said, “The pandemic has made humanity acutely aware of the consequences of ignoring the strengthening and preparedness of our healthcare systems. In such times of global crisis, both risk management and mitigation would require further strengthening of global partnerships to re-energize interest and investment in global public health.”
“Dr Harsh Vardhan has a rich experience in public health. He is the pioneer of India’s successful pulse polio program and has been in the forefront in the fight against tobacco and many other issues. The world can now gain from his expertise and experience,” the Regional Director, WHO South-East Asia, said.
Recollecting his days of fighting against Polio in India, he said, “If it had not been for the support and morale boosting by friends in WHO, I would not have achieved what I did. If, today, Polio stands eradicated from India, I must admit it could never have been possible without the perseverance of WHO”.
At the 72nd Regional Committee Session of WHO South-East Asia in September 2019, Member States had nominated India to be member of the WHO Executive Board from the Region to replace Sri Lanka whose term expired in May 2020 and also to lead 147th and 148th Sessions of the Executive Board as Chairperson.
The other countries from WHO South-East Asia Region in the Executive Board are Bangladesh (2019-2022) and Indonesia (2018-2021).
The annual Board meeting is held in January when the members agree upon the agenda for the World Health Assembly and the resolutions to be considered by the Health Assembly. A second shorter meeting takes place in May, as a follow-up to the Health Assembly.
Dr Harsh Vardhan would chair the 148th session of the Executive Board in January 2021. At the Executive Board meeting in May 2021, he will hand over the charge to the next Chair from another WHO Region. However, he will continue to be a member of the Executive Board till 2023.