Wuhan Temporarily Closes All Public Transportation To Curb Novel Corona Virus

In order to fight Novel Coronavirus (nCoV), all public transportation in the city — local buses, long-distance buses, subway and ferry — will be temporarily closed starting at 10am on Thursday reported state media. All flights and train scheduled to depart from Wuhan will remain suspended to curb Novel Corona Virus.
On 31 December 2019, the WHO China Country Office was informed of cases of pneumonia unknown etiology (unknown cause) detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China. From 31 December 2019 through 3 January 2020, a total of 44 case-patients with pneumonia of unknown etiology were reported to WHO by the national authorities in China.
A total of 43 flights and 9156 passengers arriving in India from China have been screened for novel Coronavirus illness. Till now, no case has been detected through these screening efforts
As on 22 January, a total of 440 cases of pneumonia with nCoV were detected from China and a total of 9 people have died.