MHA Issued SOPs For Stranded Indian Nationals Outside India

Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) has today issued Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) for movement of Indian Nationals stranded outside the country along with persons who are stranded in India and desirous to travel abroad urgently for various purposes.
To contain the spread of COVID19, the lockdown was extended for a further period of 2 weeks w.e.f. May 4, 2020. International travel of passengers has also been prohibited under MHA’s Orders related to lockdown measures.
As per information available, many Indian Nationals who had traveled to different countries before the lockdown, on various purposes such as employment, studies/ internships, tourism, business, etc. are stranded abroad.
Due to their prolonged stay at abroad, they are facing distress and desirous of returning to India urgently. Apart from such cases, there are other Indian Nationals who need to visit India in medical emergencies or death of a family member.
In order to facilitate the movement of such Indian Nationals, the following SoP is hereby laid down: