MCI Prepares Pandemic Management Module For MBBS Students

The Medical Council of India has prepared revised regulations to add a Pandemic Management module for medical students to enable them to be prepared for the unknown diseases to understand, investigate, treat, prevent new and emerging health threats in the society. The emergence of COVID19 and its rapid spread across the globe has further underlined the need to develop these skills in medical graduates.
Dr. Vinod K. Paul, Chairman, Board of Governors in Super-session of Medical Council of India stated in a foreword of the module, “This Pandemic Management module is designed to ensure that the MBBS student acquires competencies in handling not only the illness, but also the social, legal and other issues arising from such disease outbreaks. It is expected that this longitudinal module extending from Foundation Course to the final year undergraduate program will help in ensuring the creation of an Indian Medical Graduate (IMG) who will serve humanity as a doctor, leader and healer in bleak times such as the occurrence of a pandemic”.
Medical students will study this Management of Pandemics in three phases as a foundation course along with the other courses of MBBS containing broad areas related to History of Outbreaks, Epidemics & Pandemics, Infection Control, Serologic tests, Vaccination strategies, Therapeutic strategies including new drug development, Outbreak Management including Quarantine, Isolation, Contact Tracing, Care of patients during Pandemics, Death related management and Communications and media management etc.
“We are grateful to the members of the Expert Group and the Academic Cell for painstakingly putting this booklet together. We hope that teachers and institutions will benefit in creating a generation of Indian Medical Graduates who will be able to provide promotive, preventive and curative aspects of health care to the nation in times of extreme need like the outbreak of a pandemic,” Dr. V. K. Paul further stated.
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