Coronavirus Update: Over 350 Students To Be Quarantined At Manesar And Chawla Army Camp Centers

Government of India has made elaborate arrangements for the evacuation of 366 Indian citizens from Wuhan city in response to the emergency situation that has arisen due to outbreak of Novel Coronavirus in China.
A team of doctors, public health specialists and para medical staff have been sent in the aircraft of Air India. The incoming Indian passengers will be quarantined for 14 days at the two Quarantine Centres set-up at Manesar (managed by Armed Forces Medical Services) and Chawla Camp (managed by ITBP).
All proposed male passengers (approx. 280) are proposed to be sent to Manesar Camp and families/females (approx. 90) can be housed in the ITBP camp.
If any person is found affected by Novel Coronavirus, he/she will be shifted to the designated hospital for further investigation and management. In that case, it will be also assessed if further quarantine of the contacts is required.
Read more: WHO Declares 2019nCoV Outbreak In China As “Global Health Emergency”
Dr Rajiv Garg, Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) will be the Nodal Officer from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare to look after overall arrangements at the ITBP facility.
Medical Teams for Manesar Camp are being taken care by AFMS. Adequate medical care will be provided by a team of doctors at both the facilities. In addition, a 50-bedded critical care facility has been set-up at Safdarjung Hospital in Delhi for critical care of the patients. All persons admitted to both the quarantine facilities will be monitored on daily basis for a period of 14 days.
A nodal officer will be deputed from each Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of External Affairs for effective coordination. A WhatsApp group of all these officers along with Nodal Officers of the Camps will be created for seamless communication.
WHO said in a press briefing yesterday, “We don’t know what sort of damage this virus could do if it were to spread in a country with a weaker health system. We must help countries prepare for that possibility. For all of these reasons, I am declaring a public health emergency of international concern over the global outbreak of 2019nCoV.”
Chinese media reported that till today, there are about 9,720 confirmed cases in China and 105 abroad, 12167 suspected cases throughout China. Of the confirmed cases, 213 people have died. 170 people have recovered and been discharged from hospital.